Nonverbal Mode of Thinking

Before smearing the first blob of paint, artists may hold in their minds a picture of the painting they intend to make. In what is known as mental rehearsal, athletes often visualize successful outcomes during their training by executing specific exercises of imagination intended to improve motor skills. Musicians often hear in their minds the sound of a note before they play it during rehearsal, or they hear a melody in their minds that eventually is transcribed into a song. Chefs may recall a particular flavor or smell akin to a particular dish they are thinking to make. Sculptor may feel the texture of block of granite, marble or terracotta as they visualize the final sculpture.
Nonverbal mode of thinking encompasses visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile, and motor imagery. Individuals in a variety of fields often rely on their sensory imagery to see, feel, touch, smell, or hear whatever is held in the theater of their mind’s eye.

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